​AI选股PK继续!DeepSeek四度斩获冠军 收益已超26%!

当 AI 涉足炒股范围,市场会出现怎样的变化?在我们的前三次大模型选股实验中,DeepSeek 展现出精准的目光,它首日选中北交所牛股并行科技,该股单日飙升 17.34%,助力 DeepSeek 强势夺冠;之后又仰仗6.21% 的涨幅再次碾压对手。昨日,DeepSeek 押注 “股王”,再次取失利利。令人惊叹的是,昨天收盘后,DeepSeek 又成功选出,在今天PK中再度斩获冠军,四次选股累计收益率已超26%!反观通义千问选中的下跌 1.73%,豆包看好的贵州茅台也下跌了 0.39% 。如此一来,DeepSeek 在近期的选股对决中,继续稳坐优点位置。







我们等候着明天收盘后,各个大模型的选股才干再次失掉验证。终究哪只股票能在 明天的市场中崭露头角,让我们共同拭目以待!



The 15 principles below reflect the Gates family’s beliefs about the role of philanthropy and the impact they want this foundation to have. The principles guide what we do, why we do it, and how we do many of them are fundamental to the way we operate, we will remain open to amending them as we grow and learn more about our work.* This is a family foundation driven by the interests and passions of the Gates family.* Philanthropy plays an important but limited role.* Science and technology have great potential to improve lives around the world.* We are funders and shapers—we rely on others to act and implement.* Our focus is clear—and limited—and prioritizes some of the most neglected issues.* We identify a specific point of intervention and apply our efforts against a theory of change.* We take risks, make big bets, and move with urgency. We are in it for the long haul.* We advocate—vigorously but responsibly—in our areas of focus.* We must be humble and mindful in our actions and words. We seek and heed the counsel of outside voices.* We treat our grantees as valued partners, and we treat the ultimate beneficiaries of our work with respect.* Delivering results with the resources we have been given is of the utmost importance—and we seek and share information about those results.* We demand ethical behavior of ourselves.* We treat each other as valued colleagues.* Meeting our mission—to increase opportunity and equity for those most in need—requires great stewardship of the money we have available.* We leave room for growth and change.

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F1是由于你的软驱翻开了 开机进入BIOS封锁软驱启动时按“Delete”键进入BIOS: 1.封锁软驱 STANDARD CMOS → Drive A:None 2.通知Windows 9X、Me无软驱 Advanced BIOS Features →Report No FDD For Win 95:Yes 3.禁用软盘控制器 INTEGRATED PERIPHERALS→ Onboard FDC Controller:Disabled 提示:其中,前两项必选,至于软盘控制器,由于没有软驱,所以没有翻开的必要。即使有软驱,建议将“Report No FDD For Win 95”设为Yes


